Maintenance of Pinus strobus 'Louie'

Pinus strobus ‘Louie’ Eastern White Pine is a popular choice among gardeners because of its picturesque silhouette and majestic shade. Maintenance for this evergreen tree requires regular fertilizing with a high-nitrogen fertilizer and plenty of water.

Pruning should be done as needed to maintain the luscious shape of the needles, which requires pruning twice annually: Once in the spring season to get rid of any dead or broken branches and once in the winter for more thorough shaping.

The needles can become damaged if exposed to extreme temperatures or air pollutants, so keep an eye on them year-round. Gentle weeding around the base of the tree may also be required to ensure ample root surface area for healthy growth. With careful management, this classic conifer Pinus strobus 'Louie' will provide beautiful greenery all year round.


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