
Showing posts from September, 2021

Know About Different Types Of Japanese Maple Leaves | Conifer Kingdom

  The bright colors of the maple's leaves are what give this reliable fall favorite its name. Native to Japan, Japanese Maple Trees for sale have been naturalized in many areas around the world because their unique shape and color make them highly desirable for landscaping.

What features of a Japanese Maple make it so popular?

Japanese maple, scientifically called Acer palmatum, is a popular tree with over 1000 available cultivars or varieties. Features are as follows:  Prefers full sun to partial shade While some prefer full sun, others prefer those spots that only see the sun's rays for a couple of hours each day. Drought tolerant: Will tolerate dry conditions once established. A combination of its ability to survive in drought-like conditions along with its vibrant foliage makes it a common choice for use as a landscape accent tree. Easy care: Not picky about soil types and thrives when planted both in warmer climates where it can be outside year-round and cooler climates where it can be kept in a pot and brought inside for the winter. Easy to transplant Seedlings and smaller specimens (less than 6 foot or 1.8 meters) can be dug up and moved without much effort while larger specimens (6 feet/1.8 meters and over) generally take too long to recover from being moved, making it difficult to successfully t...

Japanese Maple Trees For Sale Available | Conifer Kingdom

With the widest unique variety of dwarf laceleaf and tall Japanese maple trees for sale available. Conifer Kingdom is your one-stop shop for all your landscaping needs. From picking out Monrovia trees to place in an office landscape design or making sure you find the right fit for your garden's vitality, our online nursery has what you're looking for. Safely shipped to you in just days, the pre-grown specimens that arrive are ready to plant and thrive. Get yours today!  

Few Hinoki Cypress Cultivators | Conifer Kingdom

The foothills of Mount Fuji are home to some of Japan’s most beautiful forests. But don't think about scaling these mountain giants just yet- this Japanese cypress has you covered! Hinoki Cypress gets tall with a gradual slope so if your gardening space seems constrained or doesn't have room for trees - give this guy a chance with all his subtle beauty ́ they won´t disappoint! Growing up to forty feet tall by eight feet wide.  

Acer palmatum Bloodgood (Japanese Maple) | Conifer Kingdom

  The challenging search for the perfect tree to brighten up your home is over. From its deep-purple leaves to its red fruits, this beauty is the color of royalty and will attract attention all while giving you a masterpiece that can be enjoyed year after year. Blame it on cool nights or atmospheric pressure, but other colored maples are pretty scarce when compared with the masses of green maple trees out there. You deserve better! The Bloodgood Japanese Maple has everything you could ever ask for in one beautiful package - the most colorful foliage possible, bright red flowers bursting from their buds in early springtime, and healthy growth habits that generally limit disease problems well into maturity.

How to use deciduous conifers in your garden?

Many people often consider conifers synonymous with evergreens, but several species actually lose all their needles/foliage in the fall and come back each spring! For hot and humid locations like Florida, we recommend dawn redwoods or bald cypresses; colder climates can grow larch trees (Larix). Wherever you live our garden experts will help find out what type of deciduous conifers would best complement your home's landscape needs.

Information About Cupressina Norway Spruce | Conifer Kingdom

  Cupressina Norway Spruce is a hardy and attractive upright evergreen, just perfect for a screen or as a specimen tree. Know more about Cupressina Norway Spruce from this video.

Overview of Bloodgood Japanese Maple | Conifer Kingdom

  Are you looking for amazing maple with beautiful red-purple leaves? Don't forget to check out Bloodgood Japanese Maple . It's a beautiful specimen that will surely enhance the beauty of your garden.

Learn About Picea abies ‘Cupressina’ Norway Spruce | Conifer Kingdom

  Picea abies 'Cupressina' commonly known as Cupressina Norway Spruce has dense habitat and can tolerate a variety of soils like acidic or alkaline. Shop for Cupressina Norway spruce now and add beauty to your landscape.

Cupressina Norway Spruce (Picea abies 'Cupressina') For Sale | Conifer Kingdom

Cupressina Norway Spruce is elegant, columnar, evergreen tree with dense, fastigiate branches boasting attractive, slightly curved, dark green needles that turn blue-green in winter in colder climates. Shop  Cupressina Norway Spruce Now!

European Beech InstantHedge For Sale | Conifer Kingdom

Fagus sylvatica is commonly known as European Beech is perfect for every garden. Its beautiful year-round foliage and adaptability to different types of soils make European Beech an exceptionally preferred hedge.